Translated Resources
FamilyLife’s conference manuals and other resources have been translated into more than 71 different languages. At least one title from either the HomeBuilders Couples Series® or the HomeBuilders Parenting Series® has been translated into 47 languages.
Some of these translations can be ordered from the country of origin. FamilyLife in the United States does not maintain inventory supplies of these resources. For more information on translated resources, please contact us at
Arabic Resources
God brought together a strong and highly qualified team to translate FamilyLife’s HomeBuilders series and other FamilyLife resources into Arabic. We desire for these resources to build movements of godly marriages. These resources may be downloaded freely and reproduced so that HomeBuilders groups can begin with minimal expense to the facilitator. To God be the glory! Visit Arabic FamilyLife to access the resources.
Chinese Resources
We desire to reach out to marriages and families with resources to help the Chinese-speaking community around the world. This website has downloadable resources for couples and singles desiring to know God’s plan for marriage and how to live pure in today’s world. It also offers guidance to parents in training their children and for teachers who want to help their students understand who Jesus is and answer the tough questions about Him. Go to Today’s Chinese Family to access the resources.
Spanish Resources
Many of FamilyLife’s key resources are already available in Spanish. To learn more about our Spanish resources and ministry, visit Vida en Familia.
Or to purchase Spanish materials within the US, visit our online store.