When they came to the FamilyLife conference, Japheth and Emiliana had been married for 13 years. They had some communication and conflict problems. FamilyLife Tanzania had a day for marriage covenant renewal where each couple had a chance to renew their marriage vows “…for better or for worse, in sickness and in health.” But Emiliana had a surprise for her husband. They were planning to exchange gifts, and she’d bought two golden rings for Japheth and herself. She told the conference planners that during the gift exchange, she would like to surprise her husband. She was given a microphone and said, “Today, I want to marry Japheth again.” After a conference planner prayed over the wedding rings, she turned to her husband and said, “Receive this ring as a covenant for our marriage,” while putting the ring on his finger. Then Japheth in return did the same, followed with a cake cutting, kisses, and other wedding festivities.