The first FamilyLife Conference for Chile took place in Santiago. Thirty-one couples from two churches and the community of Lonquen participated in “A Day to Remember”. During that weekend these couples were treated to talks on The Five Threats to Marital Unity, The Roles of the Husband and Wife in Marriage, Sexual Intimacy in Marriage, Resolving Conflicts in Marriage, and The Marriage Pact: Understanding the Secret of Marital Harmony. After each session the couples were given projects to implement what they learned. Couples spoke highly of how the conference met a need in their marriage to pull away from the business of everyday life and talk about issues important to having a strong marriage.
The Church of Lonquen that sponsored the conference continues to involve people who came to that conference in HomeBuilders small groups. Seven couples at the conference committed to meet in small groups to discuss the contents of the conference. The pastor of this church located in an affluent area said,”Marriage conferences like this one and the small groups studies that follow are some of the most effective ways to reach out to people here in this community.” Chileans value family and since many families and marriages are in crisis these days, the FamilyLife marriage conferences that are based on biblical values and a Christ-centered approach to marriage are a great way to serve the community and reach out.