“Only as small-group spiritual movements multiply abundantly
is the Great Commission likely to be fulfilled.” -Steve Douglas, CCCI
Latin America is experiencing the tremors of spiritual movements in many ways. One of our international representatives flew to Latin America to work with Leonel Motta, FamilyLife director of Latin America, in several diverse ministry activities.
Movement Maker training with Pastors
Manuel and Ceci Avendano attended City Ministry Directors in 2005 and made a 3-5 year strategy to expand their outreach to families. When they returned to El Salvador they recruited a team of couples–all pastors from churches in San Salvador.
They gathered this team of 11 couples and helped them develop an outreach ministry to families in their churches and communities. At the end of the Movement Maker training, each couple presented their five-year plan using FamilyLife resources and strategies. They caught the vision of building a spiritual movement throughout the city of San Salvador and to other regions in El Salvador.
The Avendanos also hosted a parenting seminar (35 attended) plus two seminars for men and women (97 attended). The good news is that Manuel and Ceci were not the lead couple for each of these events. They had brought together a team, trained them, and then delegated these events to each of the couples.
On the College Campus
The moral climate on the campus of The University of Jose Matias Delgado was wide open to casual sex…not just between boyfriend and girlfriend, but between students just hanging out together. At the invitation of Professor Stella de Arias, Gabe Buchholtz presented a four-hour lecture series to 50 students using the Before You Leap seminar material as a guest lecturer.
As a result, 27 students asked for follow-up information to attend additional seminars and to participate in small group discussions–all led by Campus Crusade student leaders and staff. They really wanted to know how God’s principles could change their lives and their lifestyles. These students have a great interest to learn how to develop lasting relationships, and they have a great need to hear the gospel. Before You Leap covers it all!