This story begins in 2007 when the FamilyLife leaders in Poland, Wiesiek and Magda Grabowski, organized a marriage conference in their town. They invited a couple who were in serious crisis. Unfortunately, only the husband, Alfred, attended. They talked with him during the lunch break, and he told them about his difficult marriage and how he wanted to save it. His wife was going to a psychologist and considered this sufficient. The Grabowskis encouraged Alfred to trust God. During the evangelistic talk, he received Jesus as his Lord and Savior.
In February 2009, the Grabowkis held a parenting conference, and Alfred came with his wife, Felicia. They were planning to divorce, but they came to the conference because they wanted to learn how to be good parents to their son. The talks throughout the conference emphasized the importance of a strong marriage in the lives of children. It meant a lot to Alfred and Felicia. They understood that they couldn’t be good parents to their son if they divorced. So they decided to stay together and work on their marriage with God’s help. By the end of the conference, Felicia committed her life to Jesus just as Alfred had two years earlier.
After the conference, they signed up for the Grabowskis’ summer Family Bible Camp. Two weeks after the camp, Alfred and Felicia visited with the Grabowskis and told their full story in detail. They were so eager and so happy—and in love. They said that they received three things at the conference: Jesus, each other, and a baby. They were expecting another baby! Felicia also told about the damage she had suffered by listening to the advice of her unbelieving psychologist. Now they want to grow in faith.
Who invited Alfred and Felicia to the parenting conference in the first place? The midwife who delivered their first baby. Praise the Lord!