Franco and Luisa Bosio are using FamilyLife conferences and materials throughout Italy in creative ways, and they’re seeing good results. Last year, they helped organize conferences in six cities including Biella, Fiuggi, and Milan and conducted a summer camp for families. They are hoping to make these events more and more evangelistic to draw unbelievers and see marriages taken to the next level.
“It is a blessing for us to speak on such an important theme for every couple,” says Luisa.
The Bosios were first introduced to FamilyLife in 1998, when they attended a Weekend to Remember organized by their church. The seed was planted in them to help build godly marriages and families in their country. In 2003, they began actively working with FamilyLife.
The family camp in August had 350 participants. Franco led all of the meetings while Luisa helped with secretarial and administrative work. During the week while the parents attended sessions, the children attended their own camp for adolescents with the theme “Acknowledge the talents God gave you.”
“At the end of the camp the general feedback was very positive. There were some non-Christians among them who gave their life to Christ, and we had three guys from a Church in Rome who decided to be baptized,” says Luisa.
Franco and Luisa also use HomeBuilders groups as follow-up courses to the conferences. “We are grateful to God because two couples began a spiritual walk in our church and decided to get baptized. So at the end of July, two couples that attended our FamilyLife conferences got baptized together with others in our church. One of these couples had serious problems and was on the list of those we had asked special prayer for early in the year. God intervened in their life as a couple, and now they are a witness to their friends and relatives. Furthermore, this couple started the training program for facilitating the HomeBuilders courses. God is great!”
Recently, Franco was appointed the National Director of Campus Crusade in Italy. His role has changed, but his passion for families has not. He has been meeting with leaders of Campus Crusade in Switzerland to begin partnerships on common projects, including FamilyLife conferences.
“In the meantime, we continue to pray and remain convinced that FamilyLife can be a means to reach Italian families with the gospel,” says Franco.
In the months ahead, Franco will be adjusting to his new role as director of Agape Italia. Meanwhile, he and Luisa will continue to help with the upcoming FamilyLife seminars and premarital courses that are scheduled. They are also planning to follow up with some couples personally. Pray for lasting fruit in Italy and a revival within Italian homes!