We are pleased to introduce the FamilyLife Mentor Guide—a robust collection of biblical truths and practical wisdom around the most common marriage and family issues. We’re excited to finally be able to share this incredible, online tool with churches and individuals for ministry around the world.
What began as an internal tool for handling incoming emails sent to FamilyLife correspondence has become a proactive discipleship tool with great potential for one-to-one ministry.
By way of overview, the Mentor Guide currently covers 50 common life issues (topics like submission, anger, in-laws, and pornography, among others) with plans to add 30-40 more topics in the near future. Every topic has the following categories of helpful information:
– Keys to Good Mentoring: a brief summary of mentoring 101 tips
– Scriptures: both “Hope” scriptures (for early in a mentoring relationship) and “Help” scriptures (for ongoing growth)
– Conversation Starters: for use by a mentor in knowing how and where to begin these conversations
– Online Helps: articles, videos, audio, etc. on topic for mentor/mentee to discuss together
– Key Resources: books and other materials which have received a favorable review by FL content team
– Your PLACE as a mentor: a helpful reminder of the process of good mentoring, with topic-specific ideas on how to PRAY, LISTEN, ASK questions, CONSIDER biblical truth, and ENCOURAGE a mentee around life issues
– Quotes: cherry-picked morsels from the best books/authors on each topic… this is a rich place of learning for every mentor
Being able to provide this tool for free reflects the heartbeat of FamilyLife. We are committed to being a blessing to the Bride of Christ. Please access the Mentor Guide any time at www.familylife.com/mentorguide.