We all remember Christ’s parable about one repenting soul that makes the whole of Heaven exult with joy, and it was our joy and privilege to see that with our own eyes—in a married couple’s life!
We did a Marriage Seminar for couples titled “Plus out of a Minus” meaning that God can turn a seemingly negative situation into a positive one. Sveta and I along with three other couples testified about such situations in our lives and how God was glorified as a result. There were many couples attending and all was going great, but then a couple (Igor and Alena) approached us and said that they were going to divorce.
Sveta was shocked, and I was frantically thinking thoughts like, “Why here? Why now? Can it be reversed?” and so forth. Then I asked them to clarify the situation. Igor said that they indeed were going to divorce and he already had filed all necessary documents to the local court, but his wife, Alena, had been praying for their marriage and she told Igor so. He then began to re-think his decision, but he admitted that his pride was preventing him from doing anything to rescue his marriage. He then asked the Lord to give him a sign so he could know for sure whether the Lord wanted to save their marriage or not. Just three days before their final court hearing, I was led to call Igor and invite him to our Family Life Seminar. He said that his heart leaped in him when he heard about it, and he had no doubt that it was a Divine call and sign for Him that God cares for their marriage! They have four children—three girls and a boy—and they called us recently to tell us they’re trying to have another child and hoping for a boy! Praise God for such a miracle and that He is working in our midst!