Twenty-six couples (all pastors and their wives) attended the recent First Family First conference in Samana. The conference is designed to equip pastors in their own marriages and give them tools and resources for strengthening marriages in their churches and communities.
Jose Mendez, the host of the conference, said, “I came here looking for something to help my congregation with their marriages, but we found something for us! I have not been representing Christ to my wife. But today that is going to change.”
One couple shared their testimony during the weekend and explained that they’d had an ideal marriage until kids came along. Years of mounting frustrations convinced them that divorce was the only option. God transformed them through the biblical principles they learned through a HomeBuilders® group, and their marriage was saved.
The conference concluded with a call to action. Eighteen of the 26 couples responded that they were ready to either start a HomeBuilders group or train HomeBuilders facilitators in their community (and some indicated that they would do both!) Praise God for these couples who have been equipped to serve!