Organizing 50 events in 20 cities over the course of one week is no easy task—it takes a lot of prayer, preparation, and a team of excellent volunteers. These elements all came together in February during Croatian Marriage Week. The FamilyLife team, in cooperation with their network of over 70 volunteers around the country, held various creative outreaches as a way to encourage and build up the marriages in Croatia and share the gospel with unbelievers.
When the FamilyLife team challenged their volunteers to organize events for Marriage Week, the volunteers stepped up to the task. Some organized small get-togethers in their homes; others organized larger events in public halls. Some of the events included evangelistic marriage workshops, concerts, marriage seminars, vow renewal ceremonies in churches, or viewings of The Art of Marriage—all with a purpose of showing people the meaning of marriage and introducing them to God, the designer of marriage.
Davor Kukec, Director of FamilyLife Croatia, said, “There were many different ideas, but one purpose—to bring people closer to God.”
The FamilyLife team also organized a Marriage Café outreach that week with live music, dancing, and a question and answer session about life, faith, and relationships.
At least 3,000 people attended the events during Marriage Week in Croatia. Since the beginning of the annual Croatian Marriage Week in 2015, divorce rates in Croatia have dropped 8.5%. Volunteers not only promoted and organized these outreaches but are also actively involved with the follow-up.