Because of civil unrest in Liberia, family values have been on a downward trend. Even Christian marriages are being torn apart by divorce each year in staggering numbers. Wolobah and Venessa Taylor, who work with the Great Commission Movement of Liberia, decided to approach likeminded people to work out a possible intervention alongside the church to restore moral dignity within Liberian families. Their initiative led to the organization of a one-day HomeBuilders small-group training in late March, bringing together 77 couples from several denominations.
Two weeks after the training, a pastor who had brought along five couples from his denomination excitedly called Wolobah on the phone to tell the story of one husband and wife who attended the event. This couple has been married seven years. They’ve both achieved success in their respective careers; the husband has a well-paying job, and the wife runs a viable business from which she saves well every month. The wife, however, revealed that since they got married, the husband had never shared his paycheck or disclosed his salary. Nor had she shared with him the income of her business. Both of them had been living in complete isolation with separate bank accounts.
The wife shared this with the pastor following the event: “Since we arrived home from the HomeBuilders small-group training, my husband’s attitude has drastically reversed. For the very first time after seven years of our marriage, my husband did not just disclose his salary but handed me his savings book. I reciprocated by giving him mine. What is more important to share is that my husband is now playing the priestly role and leads the family to church every Sunday.”
Since the HomeBuilders training, four groups have been organized in four communities with 21 couples discovering God’s principles that will help enrich their marriages. Additional groups and family ministries in local churches are also beginning to develop, and the couple who have learned to step from isolation into unity are considering ways they can provide leadership and help others.