How can one couple in ministry make a difference when sin and brokenness are tearing homes apart at alarming rates? FamilyLife Ukraine volunteers Volodymyr and Olga Shvets are seeing this question answered through their ministry in the Khmelnytskyi region of Ukraine. Although ministering to families can be discouraging work, God is taking the offerings of Volodymyr and Olga’s time, resources, and passion for marriages, and He’s bringing growth, restoration, and new life to those around them.
For the past three years the Shvetses, with the help of a team of volunteers under them, have been organizing family clubs in the town of Dunaivtsi. The clubs are usually attended by 100-120 people and include key principles from FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember®. More than 3,000 people have heard God’s plan for marriage through their ministry. The entire population of Dunaivtsi is only about 15,000, so they’re making a huge impact in this small area!
Volodymyr and Olga have plans to build similar networks of family groups throughout the Khmelnytskyi region. They are also raising financial support in hopes of joining FamilyLife as full-time staff. May God continue to use this faithful couple and others to do more than we could ask or imagine in Ukraine and beyond!