HomeBuilders Titles
HomeBuilders Couples Series®
Whether you’ve been married five months, five years, or five decades, the HomeBuilders Couples Series (published in the United States as The Art of Marriage Connect™ Series) will help you connect with friends and find help and hope for your marriage. Each marriage Bible study focuses on a real-life marriage issue and delivers biblically centered truth and practical application in a small-group study format to make your marriage healthy and strong.Available Couples Titles:
Building Your Marriage to Last
Learn how to accept each other, recognize when you’re drifting apart, and work together to stay closely connected.
Improving Communication in Your Marriage
Identify barriers that prevent effective communication, learn how to make your relationship a top priority, and encourage each other through tough times.
Building Teamwork in Your Marriage
Embrace your differences, depend on each other’s strengths, and learn to trust and be trusted.
Enjoying Your Marriage in the Second Half
Tips and insights on how to keep your marriage happy and healthy during the empty nest years and beyond.
Learn about the power of prayer in marriage, what it means to follow Christ together as a couple, and how to have a spiritual influence on other families.
Put the past in a healthy perspective; give each other room to try, fail, and try again; and be accepted and accepting of one another.
Resolving Conflict in Your Marriage
Communicate effectively–without being destructive; pursue peace before, during, and after an argument; and lay off the insults and lay on the blessings.
One copy of each title in the Connect Series plus a copy of Starting an Art of Marriage Connect Group brochure.
Mastering Money in Your Marriage (PDF)
Establish financial priorities that you both believe in and support, identify biblical principles for money management, and make money decisions together.
Available as a free download, this four-week HomeBuilders study is available in several languages. This printable resource is a great way to get started.
HomeBuilders Parenting Series®
Whether your children are five months old, five years old, or teenagers, the HomeBuilders Parenting Series will enable dads and moms love their children as God loves, with His grace. You will learn practical truths to raise spiritually strong children with healthy hearts brimming with purpose and hope. You will capture a biblical vision to build children who show confidence, courage, and friendship. This parenting curriculum series is perfect for following up The Art of Parenting video event or small-group series.
Available Parenting Titles:
Find practical ways to lead your children to God and help them walk daily with him, raise them with an awareness of their God-given purpose, and gain confidence as your children’s faith-builder.
Establishing Effective Discipline for Your Children
God corrects His children because He loves them. As parents, our motivation should be the same. The purpose of discipline is to build the character of our children and strengthen our relationship with them. Learn why kids need discipline, where to start, and what the connection is between rules and relationship.
Select language to view available couples titles:
Arabic | Chinese | English | Spanish |
For information on other languages, please contact global@familylife.com.